I Help People Create & Grow Online Businesses

Want to Know the Secrets to Starting a Successful Blog?  Sign up to Access IGNITION, my FREE Blogging Course for Beginners.

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Starting an Online Business is both intimidating and confusing.  This page makes it easier for first-timers.

There are certain tools and software I've used that stand out above the rest.  Click here to see my favorites.

Tired of reading and want to see me talk shop on camera?  Check out my YouTube Channel.

If you want to learn the basics of starting a blog, my free Ignition course is for you.

Discover the One Hour Professor Blog

Tips and Tricks That Help You Create and Grow Your Online Business

16+ Best A/B Testing Tools (CRO Experts Choose Their Favorite)

GoDaddy Website Builder Review

GoDaddy Website Builder Review – MUST READ Before You Buy

iSpring Market Review (From an Honest & Trusted Expert)

11+ Best Website Builders For Realtors (In-Depth Comparison)

DashClicks Review

DashClicks Review – Will Their Platform Help Grow Your Business?

Should I Still Make an Amazon Affiliate Website? – Here’s the TRUTH

About Me.

Hi, my name is Ron and I'm the guy behind OneHourProfessor.  My online business journey began in 2012 and was filled with many failed projects.  Like many others, I wanted to work for myself but had no idea how to achieve success.  But my persistence paid off and in 2015, my business was doing well enough for me to quit my Full-Time job.  Since then, I've grown a million-dollar media business while helping thousands of others achieve success with their own businesses.  Click here to read more

It All Starts With a Blog...

When I started my business in 2014, it was nothing more than a simple blog I created to try to help people.  Since then, I've been able to diversify into multiple blogs across various niches that have helped me build a million dollar digital media empire and, more importantly, help thousands of others successfully get started in the world of blogging.  But it all begins by starting a blog of your very own.  

Software Reviews to Help You Begin
